Material resources

In the following table you can find the available classrooms for the theoretical classes, each of them with a capacity of 60 students and with a black board, a projection screen, computer, video projector, overhead projector, and a hydraulic stretcher.

The computer room has space for 24 people. It has 21 computers, 2 laser printers and a scanner.

The audiovisual room has space for 26 people. It is equipped with TV, video, DVD, DVD recorder, slide projector and opaque projector.


Name Location Capacity
Lecture Room 1 1st floor 60 seats
Lecture Room 2 1st floor 60 seats
Lecture Room 3 2nd floor 60 seats
Audiovisuals Room 1st floor 26 seats
Computer Room 2nd floor 24 seats


Meeting Room

The Faculty of Physiotherapy has a specific meeting room, located on the first floor and equipped with furniture and projection equipment. The meeting room has a 25 people capacity.


Offices for the Management Team

The Faculty of Physiotherapy has 3 offices located on the first floor for the Centre Decanal Team.


Teaching Staff Offices

There are a total of 14 offices for the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy teaching staff in the centre in different spaces.

The teaching staff list and their locations can be found on the following link.


The teaching practices in the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy are mostly developed in the Centre’s teaching laboratories.

Planta Baixa

Click on the map to see


Physiotherapy 4 | Hydrotherapy


sala de estudo

The study room has space for 54 people.



The Central Library in the Campus of Pontevedra offers the following services:

  • Reading room
  • Two audiovisual booths
  • Six computers for consults
  • WIFI connection

Opening hours


Open access room for students

This room is placed in the ground floor and has space for 16 people.


Main Hall

The Main Hall, on the ground floor and with 135 seats, is used to celebrate academic and protocol ceremonies, conferences,…



General services

Wi-Fi connection

There is a wireless connection to the University network and Internet in the Faculty premises. All the University community members have access to this service via the password linked to their personal or university email.

On-line teaching resources

As a support to the on-site teaching activity, the University of Vigo makes available the IT platform MooVi for the teaching staff, with on-line resources developed for tele-training. Tamén conta cun acceso directo ás aulas do Campus Remoto para recibir clases e ao despacho virtual de cada docente para as titorías.

Cafeteria and catering services

There isn’t any cafeteria or catering service in the centre; to compensate this, there are coffee, drinks and food machines on the ground and first floors, available for everyone. On the other hand, two of the central cafeteria and catering stands of the Campus are 100m far from the faculty, managed by external companies.