Welcome to the Faculty of Physiotherapy of the University of Vigo. Our main mission is to train professionals highly valued for their performance and skills. We have specialized and updated teaching staff, and we offer quality practical training through Clinical Stays in various health institutions.
In addition, we support the comprehensive development of our students through permanent tutoring, extracurricular practices and collaborations with other universities. We are also advancing research, with a growing number of PhD faculty participating in research projects and doctoral theses.
We currently have the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy and the Master’s Degree in Therapeutic Exercise in Physiotherapy.
Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy
The basic goal of the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy is to prepare professionals who can fulfil the requirements of a changing, multicultural and quality demanding society. Therefore, it aims to ease the acquisition of the necessary competences to provide a quality attention to the users demanding the services, both for recovery and rehabilitation of somatic dysfunctions or disabilities and for promoting health and preventing illnesses.
Faculty of Physiotherapy strategic action plan(2019-2021)
Developed strategic axes
- Visibility of the Faculty and its degrees
- Transparency and information relating to the degree and the centre permanent updating
- Passing with satisfactory results the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy accreditation process
- Improvements in material resources
- Interaction with local institutions through R&D&i agreements
Strategic axes yet to be developed
- Increase the number of permanent contracted professors
- Scientific preparation of graduates and competitive professionals in a booming labour market
- Obtaining a satisfactory result from the Quality Guarantee System
- Increase in activities related to knowledge transfer and innovation