The Quality Guarantee System (QGS) of the Faculty of Physiotheray has as a goal to provide regulation and monitoring to those actions related with the centre quality control

The Quality Guarantee System in the Faculty of Phisiotherapy

Its design was validated by the Agency for Quality in the Galician University System (ACSUG) on April 26, 2010.

26/04/2010 – Evaluation Report on the Design of the Quality Guarantee System

From that moment on, with the implementation of the QGS, most of the procedures were started, together with the different actions derived from its application, making it known for all the stakeholders.

In the academic year 2013-2014, the QGS of the Faculty of Physiotherapy volunteered to the FIDES-AUDIT programme for the QGS implementation certification in the second ACSUG call. After the second visit of the audit team, the faculty received a non favourable final report on July, 23, 2015. Despite of this result, this process helped the Centre and the Quality Committee to spot the weaknesses, starting pending processes and enabling to its improvement and, with this, reverting the valuation performed on the QGS in the next time in which the centre takes part in the certification process.