Designation Graduated in Physiotherapy by the University of Vigo
Branch of knowledge Health Sciences
Requesting University: University of Vigo
Responsible and teaching centre Faculty of Physiotherapy
Type of education Classroom education
Educational type Full time
Offer periodicity Annual
Number of entry-level places 50 places
Minimum number of ECTS in enrolment 60 ECTs full-time and 24 ECTS part-time
Languages of the Degree Galician and Spanish
Regulated professions for which it qualifies: Physiotherapist (CIN/2135/2008 Order)
Permanence Regulation UVIGO 21/06/2017
Information on the Diploma Supplement issuing Requirements: RD 22/2015 (BOE 07/02/2015)
Responsible of the Degree Eva Mª Lantarón Caeiro
Degree CoordinatorLorenzo Antonio Justo Cousiño Lorenzo Antonio Justo Cousiño
Date of authorization for the Degree 27/08/2009 (DOG 16/09/2009)
Date of the Council of Ministers Approval 30/10/2009 (BOE 05/01/2010)
Date of publication of the Study Plan 15/10/2010 (DOG 11/11/2010)
Date of the latest accreditation ACSUG 30/06/2017 (Universities Council 12/07/2017)
Current Degree Report (modified on the X, X, 20XX) Report on the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy