Basic Competence 1 (CB1):
Students show they have acquired and understood the knowledge in a field of study underpinned by general secondary education and which is usually at a level which-while drawing on advanced text books-also includes certain aspects that imply being familiar with the cutting edge of this field of study.

Basic Competence 2 (CB2):
Students are able to apply the knowledge acquired to their work or vocation in a professional manner, and should have the skills normally demonstrated through the ability to develop and defends points of view and to solve problems related to their field of study.

Basic Competence 3 (CB3):
Students should be able to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements that include a reflection on the relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

Basic Competence 4 (CB4):
Students should be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.

Basic Competence 5 (CB5):
Students should have developed the necessary learning skills in order to continue studying with a high level of autonomy.

General Competence 1 (CX1):
To know how to work in professional teams as basic units which structure in an unified or multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary way professionals and other staff from care organisations.

General Competence 2 (CX2):
To incorporate the ethical and legal profession principles into professional practice as well as integrate social and community aspects into decision-making.

General Competence 3 (CX3):
To communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with health system users as well as with other professionals.

General Competence 4 (CX4):
To acquire basic scientific training in research.

General Competence 5 (CX5):
To be able to present and defend before a University Examining Board a Bachelor’s Degree Final Project, consisting in an integrative exercise of the obtained educational contents and the acquired competences.

Specific Competence 1 (CE1):
To know the principles and theories of the physical agents and its applications in Physiotherapy.

Specific Competence 2 (CE2):
To understand the biomechanical and electrophysiology principles, and its main applications in the field of Physiotherapy.

Specific Competence 3 (CE3):
To identify the psychological and social factors influencing the health/illness state of the person, family and community.

Specific Competence 4 (CE4):
To know and develop the communication theory and interpersonal skills.

Specific Competence 5 (CE5):
To know the learning theories to use in the health education and in their own long life learning. To understand the physiological aspects in the relation physiotherapist-patient. To identify the factors intervening in the team work and in the leadership situations.

Specific Competence 6 (CE6):
To identify the anatomical structures as knowledge base to establish relations in a dynamic way towards the functional organisation.

Specific Competence 7 (CE7):
To know the physiological and structural changes produced as a consequence of the Physiotherapy application.

Specific Competence 8 (CE8):
To recognize the situations of vital risk and to be able to execute basic and advances vital support manoeuvres.

Specific Competence 9 (CE9):
To know the illnesses pathophysiology by the identification of the manifestations along the processes, as well as the medical-surgical treatments, mostly on its psychotherapeutic and orthopaedic aspects. To identify the changes performed as a consequence of the physiotherapy intervention. To foster the participation of the user and family on his/her recuperation process.

Specific Competence 10 (CE10):
To know and identify the physiological and physical problems derived from the gender-based violence to train students in the prevention, early detection, assistance and rehabilitation of the victims of this type of violence.

Specific Competence 11 (CE11):
To identify the physiotherapy concept, evolution and foundations on its scientific and professional aspects. To understand the general theory of functioning, disability and health and its international classification, as well as the intervention models in physiotherapy and its assistance practice.

Specific Competence 12 (CE12):
To know and use the theoretical bases and the development of the psychotherapeutic methods and procedures.

Specific Competence 13 (CE13):
To be able to value from the physiotherapy perspective the functional state of the patient/user, considering the physical, psychological and social aspects of him/her.

Specific Competence 14 (CE14):
To understand and apply the manual and instrumental valuation methods and procedures in Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation, as well as the scientific evaluation of its utility and effectiveness.

Specific Competence 15 (CE15):
To understand the ergonomic and anthropometric principles.

Specific Competence 16 (CE16):
To analyse, programme and apply movement as a therapeutic approach, promoting the patient/user participation on his/her process.

Specific Competence 17 (CE17):
To understand, design and apply the different modalities and general procedures of intervention in Physiotherapy: Masotherapy, Electrotherapy, Magnetotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Balneotherapy, Climatotherapy, Thalassotherapy, Thermotherapy, Cryotherapy, Vibrotherapy, Phototherapy, Pressure Therapy, therapies derived from other physical agents, as well as fundamental aspects of Occupational Therapy and other physiotherapy related therapies.

Specific Competence 18 (CE18):
To foster the participation of the user and family on his/her recuperation process.

Specific Competence 19 (CE19):
To understand and perform the specific methods and techniques referred to the locomotor system (including manual therapies, articular manipulative therapies, osteopathy and chiropractic), to the neurological process, the breathing system, the cardiovascular system and the static and dynamic alterations. Specific methods and techniques which take into account the implications of the orthopaedics in the physiotherapy, reflex therapeutic techniques, as well as other alternative and/or complementary methods and techniques which security and efficiency has been proved following the science development.

Specific Competence 20 (CE20):
To identify the more accurate physiotherapy treatment for the different alteration, prevent and health promotion processes as well as growing and development processes.

Specific Competence 21 (CE21):
To identify the situation of the patient/user through a care diagnose of physiotherapy, planning the interventions, and evaluating its effectiveness in an environment of cooperative work with other professionals in health sciences.

Specific Competence 22 (CE22):
To know and apply the clinical good practices guidelines.

Specific Competence 23 (CE23):
To understand the fundamental concepts of health and the role which physiotherapy play in the health systems.

Specific Competence 24 (CE24):
To promote healthy lifestyle habits through health education.

Specific Competence 25 (CE25):
To understand the factors related with health and problems related with physiotherapy in the fields of Primary and Specialised Care and Occupational Health.

Specific Competence 26 (CE26):
To know the Spanish Health Systems and the aspects related with health services management, mainly those in which physiotherapy intervenes.

Specific Competence 27 (CE27):
To know and analyse the management processes in a Physiotherapy service or unit.

Specific Competence 28 (CE28):
To know and apply quality assurance mechanisms in the Physiotherapy practice, in accordance with the criteria, indicators and quality standards recognised and validated for a good professional practice.

Specific Competence 29 (CE29):
To know the ethic and legal bases of the profession in a changing social context.

Specific Competence 30 (CE30):
To know the ethic and deontological professional codes.

Specific Competence 31 (CE31):
To know the human body structure and to be able to identify structure elements and normality alterations in the different image analyse and diagnose methods.

Specific Competence 32 (CE32):
To incorporate the scientific research and the practice based in evidences as professional culture.

Specific Competence 33 (CE33):
To integrate all the knowledges, abilities, skills, capabilities, attitudes and values, acquired through all the subjects, developing all the professional competences and training for a efficient physiotherapy attention with the development of pre professional internships through an independent clinical rotatory and with a final competences evaluation in the healthcare centres, hospitals and other care facilities.

Specific Competence 34 (CE34):
To know and understand the healthy and ill human morphology, physiology, pathology and behaviour in the natural and social environment.

Specific Competence 35 (CE35):
To know and understand the sciences, models, techniques and tools on which physiotherapy is based, articulated and developed.

Specific Competence 36 (CE36):
To know and understand the physiotherapy methods, procedures and actions, geared to both therapy to apply in clinics to functions re-education or recovery, and the performance of activities directed to health maintenance and promotion.

Specific Competence 37 (CE37):
To acquire the accurate clinical experience which provides with intellectual skills and technical and manual capabilities; which eases the incorporation of ethic and professional values; and which develops the ability of integrating of the acquired knowledges.

Specific Competence 38 (CE38):
To intervene in the promotion, prevention, protection and recuperation aspects of health.

Transversal Competence 1 (CT1):
Ability to communicate orally and written in Galician.

Transversal Competence 2 (CT2):
Knowledge on IT applied to the field of study.

Transversal Competence 3 (CT3):
Acknowledge to diversity and multiculturalism.

Transversal Competence 4 (CT4):
Creativity, entrepreneurship and adaptability to new situations.

Transversal Competence 5 (CT5):
Development of leadership and organisation.

Transversal Competence 6 (CT6):
Sustainability and environmental commitment. Equitable, responsible and efficient use of resources.

Transversal Competence 7 (CT7):
To keep an attitude towards learning and improvement.

Transversal Competence 8 (CT8):
Ability to understand the meaning and application of the gender perspective in the different knowledge fields and in the professional practice with the objective of achieve a fairer and equal society.