Profesor/a Permanente Laboral
Area of Physiotherapy
Department of Functional Biology and Health Sciences
Contact information
Faculty of Physiotherapy
Despacho 15
A Xunqueira, s/n
36005 Pontevedra
+34 986 801 774
1st term
Grao en Fisioterapia
P05G171V01301 | Fisioterapia en trastornos neuromotrices
P05G171V01307 | Physiotherapy in pediatry
P05G171V01981 |
Máster Universitario en Exercicio terapéutico en fisioterapia
P05M191V01107 | Exercicio terapéutico no tratamento de enfermidades neurodexenerativas e na diversidade funcional
2nd term
Grao en Fisioterapia
P05G171V01981 |
P05G171V01308 | Physiotherapy in Clinical Specialities I